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Sunday, October 10, 2004

Rant out of nowhere - Blame

I'm so sick everyone blaming someone else for everything. "It Howard Sterns fault the FCC is cracking down" no it the FCC fault the FCC is cracking down. The FCC is trying so hard to cling onto some imaginary 1950's like society. Get over it, that was 50 years ago. It's gone. My understanding is that is was not even like that in the 50's. Everyone just acted like it was the norm. (but I’m getting off topic). Ohh ya, blame. It's not Manson's fault that kids grow up all screwed up. It's the parents never spending any time with there kids. Why is it so hard for people to just suck it up and try and fix there own mess? Are we all that lazy? My thinking is no. It's the same thinking as the poor dirt farmers that vote for Bush even though it will harm them economically. The scary part is they know it. So why do they vote for him? Simple, he tells them everything is great. You're great, You're kids are great, Iraq is great, everything is great. But if Bush is not telling me the truth then my country is in trouble. Then everything on TV is wrong and everything I vote for is wrong. Well then the tower of cards that is there moral foundation crumbles. That is why people are so easily convinced of thing that reassures them they are rite. I do it too. I watch political shows that I already agree with and say things like look how smart I am the TV said the same thing I did. We all like our comfort zone. Problem is some people never look out of it. Then the Gov'ment comes along and starts spouting this filth. "Blame someone else, Blame someone else" just to keep the heat off of them. Something interesting has happened everyone started suing each other. It's your fault I'm fat and it's your fault I smoke. Hmm, where did that come from? What's really scary is the kids are now picking up on it. I had better not get started about kids I'll be going for hours. Anyway my point is we all need to start fixing our own problems and holding people that don't (gov'ment, family, that parents in the store that lets the kid run a muck, whoever) accountable, well at least tell them off.


Blogger Assbeard said...

I think the appropriate response to this is... Blame Canada! Blame Canada!

2:52 PM


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