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Saturday, December 04, 2004

More stuff = Happy

For my family and I’m sure for many others Christmas is fairly ridicules. Last year I knew what 95% of the gifts were because I picked them all out. I picked out all my brothers and sisters gifts. I even went with my Dad to get my own. This year it’s more of an exercise in, what do you want? This, ok I’ll get you that. We always say it’s for the kids and I agree but I have no idea what to get my Nephew this year. Not that he will remember it anyway. So what is the point? We should all stop buying gifts for anyone over 12 and just spend time together with our family and friends. Then I could just concentrate on getting My Nephew something great. Any ideas?

Friday, December 03, 2004

All too relevant

Read about HUAC and the lessons that too many have forgotten.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?

All right, what the crap is going on?! For a time, all was calm(ish)... and then came the craze (yes, it's crazy...) of Political Correctness. They ruined lots of things. People were no longer retards, but instead we had to call them "mentally challenged". Midgets were now "little people." Black people were now african-american (despite them never having been in africa). Jews were now "financially conservative"... you get the picture. Well, now it's turned 180 degrees. It would seem that the christian fanatics out there are offended by political correctness. Have a read here: and you'll see how nuts some people get. Why do people get so worked up over seeing anything that offends them? Who gives a shit!!! not everyone can be happy. I agree, it's lame that they're not saying "merry christmas" anymore, but so what?! If it were an african store and said "Happy Kwanza", you'd be shitting bricks over them trying to push their beliefs on you (god, I hate hypocrites. especially christian ones) "This is offensive to the sensibilities of millions of average Americans" Have you people lost your fucking minds?!? It's fucking christmas!!! it has nothing to do with sensible!! If it did, you wouldn't be compelled to rush out to the store and be the first one to buy a tickle me elmo, or a brand new mercedes for your fat whore of a wife. Christmas is about one thing, and one thing only: Commercialism. It's about who can buy the most things for "loved ones." And, occasionally, it's about fat Uncle Bob getting drunk on egg nog at the family christmas dinner... ahh, sweet sweet memories {sniff}

In summation, STFU about being offended by something so unbelievably harmless. Asshole!

Monday, November 29, 2004

News Sources = misinformation.

So, this image is very interesting. It really isn't all the much of a surprise. It's more of a clear indication of how americans are being duped by the news sources (look at fox! WOW!!), maybe not by direct misinformation, but perhaps by confusing lingo? or something..? I dunno.. All it means is that people shouldn't watch the news and expect to be "properly informed" about events of the world.

Russ-kun loves this pic.