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Friday, October 22, 2004

Fatty fat fat!

Hey fatty! stop stuffin' yer pie hole with pie! You're fat!

I gotta rant again (actually, that's all I do). I have a problem with fat people. Now, I'm not talking larger folks who eat right and are fat because of genetics. I'm talking "Sittin' on my ass, watchin' Springer eatin' cheesies all day" fat. "I wash myself with a rag on a stick" fat. "need a crane to get out of my house" fat. You people deserve the heart attacks being this fat gets you. Honestly, how can people get so fat that they need a fucking crane to get them to the hospital? How do you reach 1000 lbs and then realize "Oh shit! I'm fucking fat! I better do some situps!"Maybe 400lbs, I could kinda see... but 1000??? And then there's the assholes who think that them being fat is a disability. Sure, you can't do anything with your arms and legs... because you ate enough food to feed Japan! in a day! You fucking resource sucking pig! Right now, in the US (from what I've heard) a lot of weight reduction treatments (stomach staples etc.) are not covered by medicare. Apparently, there's a review being done to that program to add it in... why?!? It's your fault you're fat! you pay for it! Another example of people these days not taking responsibility for their own actions.

I'm 150lbs right now.. I'm 5'7" or so... I've got a little bit of a belly cus I got lazy in my old job and ate a donut a day for a while... so, I started walking more, eating no more donuts, and also started going to the gym. I realized i was getting slightly out of shape and I did something about it... Why do people get to 400lbs and still not know they're fat?

Recently, I went to Las Vegas. I can't begin to describe how disgusted I was to see all these fatty McFat fats walking around! I went into a McDonald's one morning to look for a muffin (we have them here!) but no, they had none. Not only that, but an entire family of Obese monsters walked in at the same time I did. Even their 10 year old kid was huge. He must've weighed at least 200lbs. I looked around, and EVERYONE was HUGE! there was one woman who look like her ass had 4 legs.. I couldn't tell that there was a chair somewhere under those ripples of flesh. Eww. Go watch "Super Size Me". Maybe it'll scare your fat asses so bad you stop eating filth.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Way to class up the place russ.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Chowda Heads Win, Chowda Heads Win!

Jhonny Damon you long haired bastard. I love you. For six games you swang that bat like a retarded monkey, but the one game it was needed, you came through. And now you fucking Yankees, you are now part of history. From now till the end of eternity you will go down in history as having comitted the biggest choke job in all of baseball. Three outs, all you bastards needed was three fucking outs. And you couldnt do it. One hundred and eighty million dollers and what did it fucking get you. That great shot of Alex Rodriguez sitting on the bench pouting like the bitch he is. Thats what it fucking got you. Now you bastards can wallow around in your dump of a city till april.

Fuck you Yankees, fuck you

Terror... or as the Amricans say "terra"

So, I'm getting increasingly infuriated (can't think of a stronger word) at americans. As are my friends, I'm fairly interested in politics. Especially american politics. It just means more to us up here in Canada than our own politics. It affects us more. So, we watched the presidential debates this year. Being an "outsider" and not actually voting for these clowns, I find myself wondering how any person (even a retard with an IQ of 12) can vote for Dubya. Back in late 99, even before I was all on the up and up with politics down south, I knew, as did all my friends, that a Bush administration was the end of the world... it would lead to war. Here we are, 5 years later, and it's all come true. But after the joke of an election in 2000, and all the crap that's surfaced since then about that election, people still support Bush. All he ever mentions in his speeches is "the war on terror" and 9/11. Why does he feel he needs to remind people of it? Oh, right... cus he's scaring people into voting for him so he can "protect" them... like he protected the hundreds of soldiers that died in Iraq for no reason. Seriously, there are worse places than Iraq with many more terrorists in them. Here you've got a man that can't even form a full sentence, and that doesn't understand anything about economics, yet you people elect him as prez because he's "relatable". He's the everyman. Shit, I can't understand how someone can trust a man to be president if he smirks and has a shit-eating-grin anytime someone asks him about the economy, or this or that or the other thing. So he got Saddam out of Iraq... so what??? what about Krazy Kim Jong-Il? that guy's a fucking nightmare! The fact that americans buy the crap that they need to lose a few of their rights so they can stay safe makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a plastic fork. You're no safer now. The "security measures" that they've put into place don't work, just like they never worked before, because the people implementing them are incompetent. But hey, don't let granny on the plane before strip searching her... she may have a jihad out on us! Idiots.

I could go on, but I might have a heart attack, it's so angrifying (new word). Stupid people need to be sterilized... cus kids are just gettin' stupider as the days go by.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Fuck Yeah

Game seven tomorroy baby
Curt Schilling with one leg is all the Bo-Sox need to beat those bastards
We on the cusp of the biggest choke job ever
Fuck you Yankees, fuck you so hard
I have my Yankees lose dance ready, lets just say it starts and ends with a pelvis thrust

Team America: World Police

Two words sum up that movie

Mat Damon

Monday, October 18, 2004


Ima blogging Biz'nitches

Food in restaurants

I just came back from lunch. I went to a restaurant here in Vancouver called Chianti's on W 4th ave. I ordered a Spaghetti Carbonara... it came to $7.44CDN after taxes. It was a HUGE plate, and it was GOOD! 3 weeks ago, I went to Las Vegas with my wife and the 2 other jokers posting to this blog. On the last night I was there, my wife and I went to a fancy pants restaurant (italian) inside the MGM Grand Resort. We both ordered the same thing: Rigatoni in some bolognese sauce with prosciutto in it. It was alright, but FUCK was it ever salty!! I couldn't eat it all because of all the salt. To drink we ordered water. We always order water... it's cheap (well, usually) and it's not bad for us. The total for that meal, for the 2 of us, came to over $80USD ($100CDN by today's exchange). Now, let me just say, it was a really nice restaurant.. but the $7 pasta I had here in Vancouver was WAY better than the stuff I had at fancy-pants land. The water at Chianti's... ya, that was free. The water at this place in Vegas was $8! Mind you, it was a bottled water, and it was damn good (for water) but haven't these people heard of filtered water? Buy a Brita!!! Our choices were Tap water, bottled water, or sparkling (carbonated) water... If you've never been to Vegas, NEVER drink the tap water... it's hideous. Ok, so... My water cost more in Vegas than a whole plate of spaghetti in Vancouver. Now, I'm not saying that Vegas is a rip-off (the buffets were so worth it!) but I AM saying that Fancy restaurants are a rip-off. Just because a restaurant can tell you that you can't wear jeans, doesn't mean the food is so much better that it's reasonable to charge 10 times more.

I guess this is my way of saying FUCK YOU, ESTABLISHMENT!!!

It is, however, ironic that I passed the Armani stores in Vegas wanting to buy an Armani suit (I didn't though... I'm broke)