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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I should be getting drunk

Ashcroft is gone. Time to dance in the streets.

-The new guy:
As a member of the court, Gonzales ruled with the majority that some teenage girls should not be required to get parental permission for an abortion. In his opinion on the ruling, Gonzales wrote, "While the ramifications of such a law may be personally troubling to me as a parent, it is my obligation as a judge to impartially apply the laws of this state without imposing my moral view on the decisions of the legislature."

The full article @ CNN

Monday, November 08, 2004

New Dawn

The election is over time to send the troops into Falluja. 'cause we care about the people of Iraq but not as much as Bush cares about his job. Ohh well off to Iran or Turkey or whoever.

-New Dawn Update: Only 50% of Iraqi troops showed up for work on the go day. Yup they sure sound ready to run their own country.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

My head hurts

God damn lawyers are fucking up North American. All people do now is try not to get sued. Assbeard and Bee's place need their smoke alarm tested. But no they (the building counsel) couldn't just ask people to do this. They had to get someone in. So, because I have the only flexible schedule I'm sitting around for 2 days like a jackass but they still don't show. The world is falling a part before our eyes. We can't watch the TV we want without some fuck yelling that we are destroying kids. We can't joke with a female coworker or we get sued. McDs gets sued 'cause the cardboard coffee holder covered the Caution Hot Sign. It goes on and on. This is what we get when we let lawyers decide who can sue. We need to take control of the laws away from them. Then maybe we can be free to be adults again.


If I hear that damn Fox TV radio add one more time I'm going to lose it.
Network Tv sucks SO bad.