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Saturday, November 06, 2004

We are in good company

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bloggers for Bush '04

Because i have nothing better to do with my life, i started trolling around some of the other blogger sites out there. And i came to a conclusion. Most people lead increadibly boring lives. Reading some of those posts makes me wonder why people feel the need to whine and cry about every useless aspect of their pathetic lives. Or ramble on incessently as if theyre the smartest person on the planet. Im not even gonna start on that one woman who was posting updats on how her cat was coping with a cold, or all those bloggers for bush 04 banners i saw . So i geuss what im alluding to is i feel its me and assbeards duty to keep this page a bastion of of profanity and intolerance.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Way to go Assholes!

Good job! You just fucked the whole planet over for another 4 years! What, are you rewarding Bush for stealing the last election by actually giving this election to him legally?? You people are like the battered women who keep going back to their abusive husbands cus they love them! "He beats the shit out of me because he cares about me." It's interesting to see how the only smart americans live near a large body of water. What's up with that?? I guess all that fresh air makes you think properly.

Then there's the 11 states that voted to ban gay marriage. Thumbs up to you! You might as well be China. How does 2 men or 2 women marrying each other "threaten" marriage? Are "The Gays" gonna move into your neighbourhood and start throwing eggs at your car? Are they going to stop your kids on their way to school and force them to be gay with each other? I swear to god (ya, it ain't capitalized!) if I ever meet a person who says the words "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" I will kick them in the junk.

Let's recap: You're stupid cus you voted for Bush. You're stupid cus you're afraid of gay people. Final Conclusion: You're stupid. As Ulysses Everett McGill says "You're dumber than a bag of hammers"

Monday, November 01, 2004

One More Day

I know we dont have many if any visitors to our crappy little site. And if we do have any from america, i highly doubt that anyone searching for juanitas special bean dip would be a registered voter. Even still i feel it is my duty to say this.


I really doubt that any country can withstand four more years of dubya. So for the sake of all humanity vote not bush.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Monkey's, monkeys, monkeys...okay, there's just one monkey

To set the record straight, I don't like American politics because most Americans are stupid when it comes to choosing their leader. They often choose the easy way out with things, for example; "MAGIC Diet Pills...Lose Lbs. While You SLEEP!", Pre-cooked bacon that doesn't even need to be refridgerated, "Make $20 thousand dollars in your first month....You work just 2 hours a day!". They will sit on their lazy asses and stuff their mouth until they reach 600 pounds and then suddenly exclaim, "Ack, I'm fat! Put me on disability, give me surgery, and don't let me be responsible for my own actions because IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

Now, I'm not saying that Canadians aren't fat or stupid, there's just significantly less of the fat and stupid variety up here.

Anyways...onto the monkeys. My friends and I are having an election party on the 2nd of November, because this election will affect us greatly. We know that Bush is an idiot, FOX News isn't News and that Republicans will run the United States into the ground. Assbeard predicted that Bush would go and "miraculously find Bin Laden" just before voting day so he could sweep the nation by fear saying that he would protect the country from this EvilDoer. Well just a few days later the video magically appeared of Bin Laden..."Yes folks, he's still alive and I will protect this nation from another 9/11".

Fear is a strong emotion to feel, and when your leader and Republican news team manipulates you with it that's wrong because obviously Mr. Monkey with his dumb smirk realizes that every American is stupid and that he doen't need merit and actual practical ideas to win the election.

Friends down South, please don't take the easy way out and vote for Bush because you are scared. Realize that you're smarter than W and kick him in the balls for underminding your intelligence, even I will give you credit for that.