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Monday, December 13, 2004


Sudan is the country that should have been invaded. This article is good but it doesn’t get into the real mess of what is going in the "genocide". I feel this should have been the biggest story in the news in that last year but very little is covered.

Loads of info here

Fuck The NHLPA

Im sick of this dispute, im sick of hearing about this dispute. Should hockey ever resume this season, I aint gonna watch it. Aside from the world juniors, i want nothing to do with hockey for the rest of the year. I am completely fed up with the players union. They have lost all respect from me, all. Puting an offer on the table with any less than a hard cap is crap. The owners have every right to tell them where they can shove it. The league can not support the ridiculious salaries, and the obscene discrepency in revenue between the teams. Americans dont give a shit about hockey, they never have and never will. When the sport rates lower that poker and will soon fall behind soccer as far as popularity you cant have players making over eight million a year. And for fucks sake if Winnipeg cant support a team, what crack addict would think Florida can support two. Should the league start up again next year without a hard cap i want nothing to do with it.

Bush Monkey = bad bad man

What the hell is this? Why does this constitute the closure of an art exhibit??? this has nothing to do with terrorism, so they can't say his freedom of expression was trampled over security concerns. Asshats

Peterson sentenced to death


here is a cool article written by a death row inmate
and CNN gives a tour of death row here

Really, truly, "cool" in God's eyes

Scared Chaste is a great article...

Sunday, December 12, 2004

West Germany strikes again.

The US military hospital in Landstuhl, western Germany, said Sunday that it had treated 419 wounded US soldiers from Iraq last week.

On Thursday alone 104 wounded Americans soldiers were brought in by planes and 70 on Saturday, Marie Shaw, a hospital spokeswoman, told local media.

Most of the soldiers were wounded in Fallujah, where US forces had a fierce battle with Iraqi insurgents, and 196 of them were further flown to the United States after initial treatment, Shaw said.

The US hospital in Landstuhl, Rheinland-Pfalz, is the largest military medical facility outside the United States and has up to 300 patient beds.

Source:Xinhuane (The American press needs to cover this kind of thing)

-I have wanted to post about the Germans helping to save American lives for a few days now and show how the Anti-war countries care about the American soldiers.
It's bad that it has to be said but many American's have this idea that Anti-war means you don't give a shit about the troops. My mom was talking about the war to an American friend and she has to say she was for the troops. Something is wrong here. Why would we want anything to happen to them? We are Anti-war ‘cause we care.

Amerika ist wunderbar

I got the latest Rammstein cd today and one of the first things that struck me was this song “Amerika” and the great line “Amerika ist wunderbar” (no American is not a chocolate bar but it’s wonderful) It got me thinking about how the world seems to see the U.S. with such a great fresh set of eyes sometimes. How America crams their culture down everyone’s throat. They have many great things to offer the world but sometimes we get a little sick of it and even more so in Europe. They also make a good point about Bush making everyone follow them to war claming it’s for “Freedom” and they are the only people that can dole it out. Why do the Americans refuse to listen to anyone from outside their country? As if we are unable to have any incite into their problems. We just want to help. Let us.

You can check out the lyrics here