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Monday, October 18, 2004

Food in restaurants

I just came back from lunch. I went to a restaurant here in Vancouver called Chianti's on W 4th ave. I ordered a Spaghetti Carbonara... it came to $7.44CDN after taxes. It was a HUGE plate, and it was GOOD! 3 weeks ago, I went to Las Vegas with my wife and the 2 other jokers posting to this blog. On the last night I was there, my wife and I went to a fancy pants restaurant (italian) inside the MGM Grand Resort. We both ordered the same thing: Rigatoni in some bolognese sauce with prosciutto in it. It was alright, but FUCK was it ever salty!! I couldn't eat it all because of all the salt. To drink we ordered water. We always order water... it's cheap (well, usually) and it's not bad for us. The total for that meal, for the 2 of us, came to over $80USD ($100CDN by today's exchange). Now, let me just say, it was a really nice restaurant.. but the $7 pasta I had here in Vancouver was WAY better than the stuff I had at fancy-pants land. The water at Chianti's... ya, that was free. The water at this place in Vegas was $8! Mind you, it was a bottled water, and it was damn good (for water) but haven't these people heard of filtered water? Buy a Brita!!! Our choices were Tap water, bottled water, or sparkling (carbonated) water... If you've never been to Vegas, NEVER drink the tap water... it's hideous. Ok, so... My water cost more in Vegas than a whole plate of spaghetti in Vancouver. Now, I'm not saying that Vegas is a rip-off (the buffets were so worth it!) but I AM saying that Fancy restaurants are a rip-off. Just because a restaurant can tell you that you can't wear jeans, doesn't mean the food is so much better that it's reasonable to charge 10 times more.

I guess this is my way of saying FUCK YOU, ESTABLISHMENT!!!

It is, however, ironic that I passed the Armani stores in Vegas wanting to buy an Armani suit (I didn't though... I'm broke)


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