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Monday, November 22, 2004

McCarthy's Revenge

Lets fire up the way back machine and head to the great decade of the fifties. A period of enlightenment in america, women were chained to the kitchen, blacks essentially had no rights, and the government was doing its best to scare the populace into submission. Morally the country is led by a man whose only lasting contribution to the world was to inspire the fabulous Manchurian Candidate, the irrepressable senator Joesph McCarthy. This was an era where the arrogance and insecurity of america, and its need to prove to that world that they are the biggest and best country in the history of humanity almost led to nuclear war. When most countries are faced with a crisis such as this the people draw together and overcome obstacles through unity and conviction. Alas america is too good for this approach. Instead of preparing against a real foe abroad, people of the day did the sensible thing and went after the imaginary enemy within. Why do your part and sacrifice for the cause when its so much easier to finger your neighbor for suspicious activities. What better way to promote diversity than to have someone thrown in jail for having different customs than you. Be suspicious of everyone, lock yourself in your house, and remember you have the god given right to be packing heat. And remember even if no one else thinks your boss is a filthy commie the House Committee on Un-American Activities will.

Thank god we have all grown past that era.


Blogger Assbeard said...

wait wait wait.... I thought McCarthy was a hero? That's what the crazy right-wingers are telling me. You mean they're wrong?!? {shocked}

10:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just have to ask ann coulter and she will defend sen. joey M. and our current pres. in same sentance some how. who are we to believe?

11:39 PM


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