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Monday, December 13, 2004

Fuck The NHLPA

Im sick of this dispute, im sick of hearing about this dispute. Should hockey ever resume this season, I aint gonna watch it. Aside from the world juniors, i want nothing to do with hockey for the rest of the year. I am completely fed up with the players union. They have lost all respect from me, all. Puting an offer on the table with any less than a hard cap is crap. The owners have every right to tell them where they can shove it. The league can not support the ridiculious salaries, and the obscene discrepency in revenue between the teams. Americans dont give a shit about hockey, they never have and never will. When the sport rates lower that poker and will soon fall behind soccer as far as popularity you cant have players making over eight million a year. And for fucks sake if Winnipeg cant support a team, what crack addict would think Florida can support two. Should the league start up again next year without a hard cap i want nothing to do with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that back in September all I really wanted was to watch some hockey on Saturday nights. But know I'm so sick of all the bullshit that I'm almost at the point of giving up on the game entirely. If I do watch hockey, I want to see the best players in the game. Yes, there may be some good players that aren't in the NHL, but can you honestly tell me that the NHL isn't the best collection of players any league has to offer? Yes they're overpaid, and yes the game has gotten stale. But I still get a kick out of seeing the big hits. I still like seeing a goalie steal the game for a team. I still like seeing a guy pick up the puck and centre ice, skate into the other team's zone, he dekes left, he dekes right, he winds up.... GOAL!!!!! Should players get millions of dollars for playing a game? NO! But these guys aren't simply playing a game. They're commiting their lives to a competitive, physically demanding, game of skilll, where every game could be their last. They're entertainers no different than a movie star who makes millions of dollars per movie. But should every movie star make millions? NO! If a movie sucks, the fans aren't going to pay to see it. Hockey is no different. The game has gotten boring. The scores are down even though the players are more skilled than ever before. Professional hockey players are some of the best conditioned athletes in the world, but the product they are giving to us has no longer become entertaining. The game today is a game of defense and trapping. Fans shouldn't be expected to pay for something that provides no entertainment value for them. Make the game fun. Make the game something we want to watch. Maybe then the fans might come back. Maybe then we can start talking money.


4:52 PM


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