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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Meow goes the kitty

I heard the craziest thing on the radio this morning as I drove into work. Some lady down in the South of the states has cloned her late pet. This 6-week old kitten is genetically identical to her long-lost beloved cat. My reaction: "What the hell is wrong with people?"

I love science, I have no qualms when it comes down to science, I believe in science. Cloning is a great discovery; true. I don't have a problem with it; but when someone can clone their Fluffy for fifty grand, that doesn't sit right with me. It's not the fact that they're cloning things, it's the fact that people can't get over that their pet kicked the can.

People need to face death because they're afraid of it. People are so scared of things dying on them; it's a natural process for people, pets and house plants to die. I know that one day I will have no remaining Grandparents. Yes, it's hard to come to grips because mourning is a difficult process to go through; but I know that next year, or next week I could get that ellusive phone call. I have lost my Grandfathers, Great Uncles and Aunts, even friends....I have also lost a pet. I have dealt that these family members of my life have gone and passed.

Now, I don't want people to be ragging on me about pets being part of the family and such, I know they are; I understand how important and how they are very tangeble members of the family. I love animals so please don't go ape-shit thinking that I don't.

The thing that I'm scared about is all those people out there who have kids and have a family pet. What is their kid going to think when they realize that Rover is 37 human years old. That's wrong people. Teach kids about death, explain it to them. Hell! Explain it to yourself if you don't get it. Just dig a hole, say a prayer, cry for while and then spend your fifty grand elsewhere.


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