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Friday, October 22, 2004

Fatty fat fat!

Hey fatty! stop stuffin' yer pie hole with pie! You're fat!

I gotta rant again (actually, that's all I do). I have a problem with fat people. Now, I'm not talking larger folks who eat right and are fat because of genetics. I'm talking "Sittin' on my ass, watchin' Springer eatin' cheesies all day" fat. "I wash myself with a rag on a stick" fat. "need a crane to get out of my house" fat. You people deserve the heart attacks being this fat gets you. Honestly, how can people get so fat that they need a fucking crane to get them to the hospital? How do you reach 1000 lbs and then realize "Oh shit! I'm fucking fat! I better do some situps!"Maybe 400lbs, I could kinda see... but 1000??? And then there's the assholes who think that them being fat is a disability. Sure, you can't do anything with your arms and legs... because you ate enough food to feed Japan! in a day! You fucking resource sucking pig! Right now, in the US (from what I've heard) a lot of weight reduction treatments (stomach staples etc.) are not covered by medicare. Apparently, there's a review being done to that program to add it in... why?!? It's your fault you're fat! you pay for it! Another example of people these days not taking responsibility for their own actions.

I'm 150lbs right now.. I'm 5'7" or so... I've got a little bit of a belly cus I got lazy in my old job and ate a donut a day for a while... so, I started walking more, eating no more donuts, and also started going to the gym. I realized i was getting slightly out of shape and I did something about it... Why do people get to 400lbs and still not know they're fat?

Recently, I went to Las Vegas. I can't begin to describe how disgusted I was to see all these fatty McFat fats walking around! I went into a McDonald's one morning to look for a muffin (we have them here!) but no, they had none. Not only that, but an entire family of Obese monsters walked in at the same time I did. Even their 10 year old kid was huge. He must've weighed at least 200lbs. I looked around, and EVERYONE was HUGE! there was one woman who look like her ass had 4 legs.. I couldn't tell that there was a chair somewhere under those ripples of flesh. Eww. Go watch "Super Size Me". Maybe it'll scare your fat asses so bad you stop eating filth.


Blogger Russ-kun said...

Ive watched Springer while eating cheezies
And i like pie so what does that make me

2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes you fat...

8:10 PM


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