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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Terror... or as the Amricans say "terra"

So, I'm getting increasingly infuriated (can't think of a stronger word) at americans. As are my friends, I'm fairly interested in politics. Especially american politics. It just means more to us up here in Canada than our own politics. It affects us more. So, we watched the presidential debates this year. Being an "outsider" and not actually voting for these clowns, I find myself wondering how any person (even a retard with an IQ of 12) can vote for Dubya. Back in late 99, even before I was all on the up and up with politics down south, I knew, as did all my friends, that a Bush administration was the end of the world... it would lead to war. Here we are, 5 years later, and it's all come true. But after the joke of an election in 2000, and all the crap that's surfaced since then about that election, people still support Bush. All he ever mentions in his speeches is "the war on terror" and 9/11. Why does he feel he needs to remind people of it? Oh, right... cus he's scaring people into voting for him so he can "protect" them... like he protected the hundreds of soldiers that died in Iraq for no reason. Seriously, there are worse places than Iraq with many more terrorists in them. Here you've got a man that can't even form a full sentence, and that doesn't understand anything about economics, yet you people elect him as prez because he's "relatable". He's the everyman. Shit, I can't understand how someone can trust a man to be president if he smirks and has a shit-eating-grin anytime someone asks him about the economy, or this or that or the other thing. So he got Saddam out of Iraq... so what??? what about Krazy Kim Jong-Il? that guy's a fucking nightmare! The fact that americans buy the crap that they need to lose a few of their rights so they can stay safe makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a plastic fork. You're no safer now. The "security measures" that they've put into place don't work, just like they never worked before, because the people implementing them are incompetent. But hey, don't let granny on the plane before strip searching her... she may have a jihad out on us! Idiots.

I could go on, but I might have a heart attack, it's so angrifying (new word). Stupid people need to be sterilized... cus kids are just gettin' stupider as the days go by.


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