Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass... 100% FREE PICS

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Way to go Assholes!

Good job! You just fucked the whole planet over for another 4 years! What, are you rewarding Bush for stealing the last election by actually giving this election to him legally?? You people are like the battered women who keep going back to their abusive husbands cus they love them! "He beats the shit out of me because he cares about me." It's interesting to see how the only smart americans live near a large body of water. What's up with that?? I guess all that fresh air makes you think properly.

Then there's the 11 states that voted to ban gay marriage. Thumbs up to you! You might as well be China. How does 2 men or 2 women marrying each other "threaten" marriage? Are "The Gays" gonna move into your neighbourhood and start throwing eggs at your car? Are they going to stop your kids on their way to school and force them to be gay with each other? I swear to god (ya, it ain't capitalized!) if I ever meet a person who says the words "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" I will kick them in the junk.

Let's recap: You're stupid cus you voted for Bush. You're stupid cus you're afraid of gay people. Final Conclusion: You're stupid. As Ulysses Everett McGill says "You're dumber than a bag of hammers"


Blogger Russ-kun said...

So thats whose been throwing eggs at my car. Those well dressed bastards.

6:02 PM


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